We offer practical support and information in a variety of ways…

Complementary therapies: some people benefit from accessing complementary therapies to help them deal with symptoms and the treatment side effects of cancer, such as pain; fatigue, hot flushes. We advise you to discuss the complementary therapies you are considering, with your specialist cancer team before you under take them. Our qualified and experienced therapists will then be happy to discuss how best to support you. For details of each therapy, please see our therapies page.

Stoma support: The Trust stoma group is a small, friendly group who meet twice a year to share information, give each other support and gain advice from professional speakers.

Lymphoedema: Powys teaching Health Board offers a lymphoedema service throughout Powys and run a clinic at The Trust. If you are at risk of or affected by lymphoedema, our nurses will be pleased to discuss this and refer you to the Specialist lymphoedema nurse team.

Written Information: Up to date, evidence based information in a variety of formats can be accessed from our Information area.

Hair Loss: a wide selection of recycled wigs and headwear is available on loan and our nurses are happy to chat about the practicalities of hair loss, its emotional effects and provide scarf tying tips.

Money matters: If you have concerns about finances and eligibility to receive benefits our nurses can refer you to qualified welfare rights officers.

Visiting experts: We are pleased to welcome experts to the Trust and so have a regular programme of talks, events and drop in surgeries which provide you with specialist information and support which aims to enhance your health and wellbeing. Information on these events is available from the nurses and is promoted in our newsletter and on our notice board in the ‘meet and greet’ area of the Trust.

Be Active: Being active during and after treatment can ‘reduce side effects, improve quality of life, reduce tiredness, give you more strength, reduce anxiety and depression, help you look after your bones and heart and keep a healthy weight’ (Macmillan). It is however, important to discuss the type of exercise you are planning to undertake, with your cancer specialist team.

Joining our ‘Walking for Health’, yoga and exercise groups facilitated by qualified instructors and volunteers may be beneficial in helping you to manage the short and long term effects of cancer treatment.

To access practical support please pop in or get in touch to book an appointment.

You can give us a call on 01597 823 646 or pop us a message below.

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