Events & Activities in Llandrindod Wells

Welcome to our Upcoming Group Activities & Events Page 

“These classes were developed generically (not specifically for anyone affected by a medical condition); therefore if you have (or have had ) a cancer diagnosis or any other long term medical condition, we strongly advise you to check with your doctor or nurse that the session is appropriate before you start.”

In the first instance the Bracken Trust nurses are happy  to have a  discussion with you. They can be contacted between 9-5 Monday to Friday on 01597 823646 or via email:

Singing Group

£5 for new members to cover the cost of music file | No experience needed!

Chair Yoga

Every Thursdays 2-3pm here at the Trust |
£3.50 per class


Held once a month on a Thursday @ 11.45am here at the Trust | £3.50 per class

Relaxation Classes

First Wednesday of the month 2.30pm to 3.30pm at the Trust | £3.50 per Class

Closer to Nature

Monthly activities include light gardening, nature walks & talks available both on and off-site. Booking is essential – please contact us if interested in taking part | Free  – Funded by Radnashire Wildlife Trust

Creative Journaling Taster Session

Open to all Members.

Breast Cancer Peer Support

Open to our Members, you are invited to join us for a coffee and chat. Please do feel free to drop in or get in touch to speak with one of our nurses.

Hub Details

After careful consideration, Bracken Trust has decided to remain at the Community Centre in Knighton (at least until its current grant expires in March 2024) for its fortnightly hub.

However, the day will change to a Wednesday. This means that it will be open on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of every month from 9.30a.m. – 3.30 p.m. As well as scheduled appointments, our drop-in service will be running, so please feel free to pop in for a cuppa and a chat.

Ann Williams, Chief Executive, would like to take this opportunity to thank the Community Centre Committee for their support to date and for agreeing to some changes that will make the areas leased more comfortable and relaxing for patients.

Past Events & Activities

8th December 2023: The Bracken Trust’s Christmas Tree is ready for the Holly Trinity Church annual Christmas Tree Festival.

The Festival will be open from the 11th December 23 – 1st January 24. Please feel free to add a ribbon on to our tree in recognition of the many different types of cancer.

Sharing The Trust at Tesco in Llandrindod Wells on 22nd November 2023

Christmas Bingo at Llanrindod Wells Legion 16th November 2023

The calm before the storm at the very successful Bingo Night held at the British Legion in Llandrindod Wells.  An amazing £737 was raised for The Trust!!!!!! 

Thank you to everyone who attended and supported us!

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