Supporting Our Cause

How You Can Support Us

We rely on the generous support of our patrons and community to deliver our services. If you’d like to help our cause there are a number of causes below:



We are always looking for people to help out at the centre and our outreach programmes, if you’d like to help, please reach out via our contact us page.

Legacies and Wills

Leaving a gift to the Trust in your Will is straightforward.
The kinds of gifts you can give are:
• A share of your estate
• A cash gift
• A specific gift
You should always seek independent legal advice from a solicitor. In that way your Will is legal and valid.

Fundraising | We love our fundraisers – they are all amazing.

Whether you are sporty or musical, a great cook or fantastic at getting people fundraising together. You can take part in a sponsored event or organise your own, we are here to support you.

The Bracken Trust relies on everyone who raises funds for us and your efforts enable us to provide vital support to people affected by cancer.

We can provide you with official materials such as banners, buckets, t-shirts, posters, tickets, collecting tins etc, plus amy help or advice you may need to make your event a success!  ​​

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If you would like to organise an event for us, please email us or call us on 01597 823646. 

We would love to hear from you!

Creating your own Fundraising page​​

The cheapest and easiest way to raise and collect money is by using an online fundraising page. They are simple to set up, secure and easy to share with your friends, colleagues and family via email, Twitter or Facebook.

With years of experience in the in​Set up your online fundraising page today by visiting either: or Follow their step–by-step instructions.

Send the link via email or share it on Facebook so your friends and family can make a donation.

​​To help raise as much money as possible we suggest you upload a photo of yourself onto your page and keep your supporters updated on your fundraising progress so they can share in the excitement of the event.

​​​​Some Fundraising Ideas to get you started…

●  50/50 Auction or Sale
●  Antique Road Show
●  Balloon Race
●  Barbecues
●  Bingo
●  Brunch or Lunch
●  Bucks Fizz Breakfast
●  Car Boot Sale
●  Children’s Fun Day
●  Christmas Bazaar
●  Christmas Cards
●  Coffee Morning
●  Collecting Boxes
●  Concerts
●  Cream Teas
●  Dance/Disco
●  Darts
●  Draws
●  Face painting
●  Football Match
●  Fashion Show
●  Fetes and Fairs
●  Fun Day
●  Face Painting
●  Flower Festival
●  Golf Tournament
●  Jewellery Party
●  Jumble Sale
●  Karaoke
●  Open Gardens
●  Pancake Race
●  Pamper Days
●  Parachute Jump
●  Picture Sale
●  Quiz Night
●  Raffles
●  Raft Race

Not finding what you’re looking for?

Any time Monday to Friday 9-5!

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