A Mountain in My Heart by Rosie Jarman

A Mountain in my Heart provides an extraordinary insight into a teenage girl’s journey on being unexpectedly diagnosed, with an exceptionally rare cancer. From the Welsh Mountains the author diarises the pre- and post-diagnosis of a cardiac sarcoma, alongside providing extensive research and insight which will help educate and support both Medical Professionals and families with children undergoing treatment.

From walking up the mountains as part of her Duke of Edinburgh expedition award, the author progresses through her journey as she navigates hospitals across the UK whilst undergoing the effects of major open-heart surgery, chemotherapy, radiation treatment and everything in between.

The author portrays a remarkable resilience of human spirit and writes with humour and honesty.

There is currently no other book written by a young person that provides such an in depth, open and true reflection of a cancer diagnosis and journey. The author had foresight and fortitude to fill this gap with the intent to help others and raise money for charities. This is a truly remarkable testament and legacy.

 All the money raised from the book, will go towards the various charities that helped Rosie, including Dreams & Wishes and Latch.

 The family also wanted to pay tribute to all the clinicians who they came into contact with during her ordeal, including those at Cardiff and Vale University Health Board.

 Can you help Rosie and her family raise funds so support the fantastic charities who support them?

Copies can be purchased from:


I found myself smiling and laughing at points, which I didn’t expect to do.  It gave me such an in-depth view of what happens on this journey, it is so powerful. Rosie writes beautifully. Trish Gray. Patient and Public engagement specialist, Evelina Children’s hospital.

Rosie has bravely shared the story of her journey through treatment. There is a striking sense of calm and an important message that it can be the little things that have the most impact on a patient’s experience. Dr Kate Wright, Medical Director.

There are moments when it really stops you in your tracks.  Brave, generous and so clearly written. Rosie has created a legacy that will be so supportive to others undergoing such frightening and difficult treatments – and for those around them. Lynn Clausen, Educator.

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